Language Arts

literaturecirclerolesrevised16-17   Lit.Circ.Rubric   6TraitsRubric


Edited poems to typeset so far:

  • 3 personification poems
  • 2 metaphor poems (Imagine, They Tell Me)
  • 2 riddle poems


  • spoken word poem (still to be written)


Free Crossword Puzzle Maker

Persuasive: Youtube Intro Criteria

Persuasive: Youtube on Paragraph Writing

24 Must-Share Poems for Middle School and High School

Carr Webcat

Book Recomendations from Carr Library Blog

New Narrator

Write about your reading from the point of view of one of the characters in the story.

  • Write in the first person using “I”
  • Include the main events that happened in your reading, from your character’s perspective.
  • Include your character’s thoughts and feelings as he/she responds to events.
  • Well written, and divided into paragraphs to guide the reader
  • Writing has more depth than “Summarizer”



Background music to create your own rap:
(copyright free from


3 step write: My Superpower

  1. Why would you like to have this power?
  2. Describe your superpower in detail
  3. Imagine (give several examples) of things that you can accomplish with your superpower
  4. Think of how you will organize this piece, and what writing traits you would like to work on.

Blogging Topic:

Human Rights Violations in The Breadwinner, by Deborah Ellis

1. Choose an article from the The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and copy it to your essay.

2. In your own words, give an interpretation, or explanation of this human right.

3. Introduce the connection to the “Breadwinner.”

4. Using relevant detail, explain how the violation of this right was portrayed in the novel. Make sure that you give detailed supporting evidence (examples) from the story.

5. Conclude with an affective personal reflection

Create a drawing or find a copyright-free graphic to symbolize your message.

Hint: Remember to write as if your reader knows nothing about the novel.



  • Interesting, narrow, specific topic – “Explode the moment”
  • An opening that makes the reader want to read on
  • Show, don’t tell!
  • Sensory detail
  • Dialogue
  • Organized into Paragraphs
  • Reflection at the end that shows purpose for writing and what was learned.

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